Monday, May 25, 2020
Festival of the Italian Republic Republic Day in Italy
The Festa della Repubblica Italiana (Festival of the Italian Republic) is celebrated every June 2 to commemorate the birth of the Italian Republic. On June 2-3, 1946, following the fall of fascism and the end of World War II, an institutional referendum was held in which Italians were asked to vote on what form of government they preferred, either a monarchy or republic. The majority of Italians favored a republic, so the monarchs of the House of Savoy were exiled. On May 27, 1949, lawmakers passed Article 260, cited June 2 as data di fondazione della Repubblica (date of the founding of the Republic) and declared it a national holiday. Republic Day in Italy is similar to Frances celebration on July 14 (the anniversary of Bastille Day) and July 4 in the U.S. (the day in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed). Italian embassies throughout the world hold celebrations, to which are invited the heads of state of the host country, and special ceremonies are held in Italy. Before the founding of the Republic, the Italian national holiday was the first Sunday in June, the Feast of the Albertine Statute (the Statuto Albertino was the constitution that King Charles Albert conceded to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia in Italy on March 4. 1848). In June of 1948, Rome hosted a military parade in honor of the Republic on Via dei Fori Imperiali. The following year, with Italys entry into NATO, ten parades took place simultaneously across the country. It was in 1950 that the parade was included for the first time in the protocol of official celebrations. In March 1977, because of an economic downturn, Republic Day in Italy was moved to the first Sunday in June. Only in 2001 was the celebration moved back to June 2, becoming a public holiday again. Annual Celebration Like many other Italian holidays, the Festa della Repubblica Italiana has a tradition of symbolic events. Currently, the celebration includes the laying of a wreath at the Unknown Soldier at the Altare della Patria and a military parade in central Rome, presided over by the President of the Italian Republic in his role as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The Prime Minister, formally known as the President of the Council of Ministers, and other high officers of state also attend. Every year the parade has a different theme, for instance: 2003 - 57 º anniversario: Le Forze Armate nel sistema di sicurezza internazionale per il progresso pacifico e democratico dei popoli (the Armed Forces in the international security system for the advancement of peace and democratization of peoples)2004 - 58 º anniversario: Le Forze Armate per la Patria (The Armed Forces for the homeland)2010 - 64 º anniversario: La Repubblica e le sue Forze Armate impegnate in missioni di pace (The Republic and its Armed Forces committed to peace missions)2011 - 65 º anniversario: 150 º anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia (150th anniversary of the unification of Italy) The ceremonies continue in the afternoon with the opening of the public gardens at the Palazzo del Quirinale, the seat of the Presidency of the Italian Republic, with musical performances by a variety of martial bands including those of the Italian army, navy, air force, carabinieri, and Guardia di Finanza. One of the highlights of the day is the flyover by the Frecce Tricolori. Officially known as the Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale (National Acrobatic Patrol), the nine Italian Air Force aircraft, in tight formation, fly over the Vittoriano monument trailing green, white, and red smoke -- the colors of Italys flag.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Athletes and Steroids Essay - 1014 Words
If Rob Garibaldi had one wish it would be to play major league baseball. Growing up he played baseball throughout high school and college. There was one problem. He wasn’t as big as the other players. Beginning in his junior year of high school he was strongly influenced to take supplements to increase his strength. A few years later, after continued use of steroids, his life started to spiral out of control. He was feeling very depressed, struggling academically, and had become very aggressive. That bright, young man with aspirations to play major league baseball ended up taking his own life with a fatal gunshot on October 1, 2002. Ultimately, Rob Garibaldi killed himself but steroids could easily be deemed his accomplice. Steroids†¦show more content†¦Why exactly are steroids wrong? They can make great athletes into exceptional athletes, they are easily obtainable and in some circumstances are medically necessary. Could there be a valid argument that allowing them to be policed in sports would make steroids acceptable? No. Even if steroids were allowed in sports there would still be controversy. For example, if the NFL were to make steroids legal, the temptations for many athletes would be overpowering. These actions would need to include a policy for regulating how much is acceptable and safe. Therefore, making steroids legal would only transfer controversy to a different rule. Another conflicting factor would be the competitors that believe taking performance enhancing drug are wrong would be at an unfair advantage. So what exactly are steroids? Steroids are a synthetic substance closely related to the male sex hormone, testosterone. They are legally prescribed for some medical conditions such as AIDS, some cancers, and anemia. This is a vital medication for people with these sicknesses that make the body weaker. (Adams)A very common misconception is that steroids give you muscle. They do not. It builds protein faster then normal which allows people to work out more often. Scientifically, the human body has millions of cell receptors that accept the drug an in turn tell the body what action to perform. In particular, whenShow MoreRelatedUse of Steroids by Athletes Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pages    A survey was presented to 198 U.S athletes with the following scenario. You are offered a banned performance enhancing substance that comes with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2). You will win every competition you enter for the next five years and then you will die from the side effects of the substance. Would you take it? More than half the athletes said yes. As we can infer from the above survey, a large number of professional athletes are willing to risk their lives for theRead MoreAthletes and Steroid Use Essay1265 Words  | 6 Pagesplayers using anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. In an interview with Sports Illustrated, Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig said,  ¡Ã‚ §... hopefully we can figure out ways to solve this problem. It needs to be solved. There is no one I ¡Ã‚ ¦ve talked to who can say it is not a problem. Now the question is, What can we do about it? ¡Ã‚ ¨ (41). The commissioner is absolutely correct i n saying that the steroids issue is a problem. Without a doubt the steroid issue is bringing theRead MoreSteroids in the World of Athletes and Sports1603 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Steroids are a hot topic of debate and controversy in the world of athletes and sports. Steroids fall under the umbrella of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) and are a dark cloud that have been hovering over the sports world for a long time. In the world today, steroids are the most relevant in major league baseball. Many baseball players, such as Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun, and Mark McGwire, just to name a few, have ruined their reputations because of steroids. There areRead MoreShould Steroids Be Illegal For Athletes?900 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"If steroids are illegal for athletes, then why isn’t photoshop illegal for models?†. Documented steroid usage has increased significantly over the past decade, however this paper contends that with the help of medical research, medical surveys and first hand experience, I will demonstrate steroids are not as hazardous as the general public perceives steroids to be. As steroid use continues to be identified i n the news, a growing trend in America and all over the world right now seems to be askingRead MoreThe Effects of Steroids on the Human Body and Steroid Abuse by Athletes1034 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Steroids on the Human Body and Steroid Abuse by Athletes For many years, the use and abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids have been linked closely to athletes. Steroids come in different forms. They can be taken in pill form or injected straight into the user’s muscles by a needle. There are many sports that are associated with steroid abuse like weightlifting, basketball, and track and field. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic forms of male sex hormonesRead MoreSteroids And Athletes Should Not Be Allowed1234 Words  | 5 PagesSteroids and Athletes What is the best way to get big quick? Most would say to go to the gym or start a more intense workout program and eat right. It is contrary for some professional athletes that go against the correct way to maximize their strength and take steroids. Most your sport competitors participate in sports to have the opportunity to put their abilities against those of their peers. Many athletes are determined to win at all cost. They may use that determination to justify the use ofRead MoreUse Of Steroids For Sports Athletes1684 Words  | 7 PagesThe Use of Steroids in Sports Imagine yourself as a young professional athlete, who has been suffering from constant injuries. Physical therapy might help the injury heal but the time being wasted also plays a major factor. Your doctor and physician eventually bring up the conversation of early retirement unless you can show them that you’re capable of returning to your natural ways. Realizing that your career could be here today and gone tomorrow is something that every athlete thinks about. SuddenlyRead MoreThe Effects Of Steroids And The Impact On Athletes974 Words  | 4 Pagesbe highlighted within my research. Firstly, I have chosen to write about steroids and the impact they have on athletes. I decided to choose this topic as I consider myself an athletic person and believe this is a perfect subject for me. I found a lot of my information on the topic from which has helped with my research. It is important to try and understand why athletes take steroids. Each individual will have a different reason on why they have decided toRead MoreThe Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Athletes Essay1663 Words  | 7 PagesIt is believed that many athletes use anabolic steroids to increase their muscle mass and also their strength. Anabolic steroids are a group of synthetic hormones that promote the storage of proteins and the growth of tissue, sometimes used by athletes to increase muscle size and strength. Before the mid 1970’s the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) was used mainly by highly trained athletes especially those involved in weight training. Since then other athletes including those involvedRead MoreAnabolic Steroids: and the High School Athlete1528 Words  | 7 PagesAnabolic Steroids: And the High School Athlete Anabolic steroid abuse has become a national concern among high school athletes. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of athletes using these performance enhancing drugs in high school almost double the number using since the 1980s. These athletes feel that steroids gives them the competitive edge that they think they need to boost themselves past the competition. Steroids have been used in bodybuilding and other sports since the 1950s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Family My Own Family Essay - 1147 Words
When we think of culture we usually think of a big group of people and we never think that culture is everywhere around us that we don’t have to have a group that consist of many people because it can be form in small groups too. We usually never think that our own family have its own culture. I used to think that a family just does what it supposed to do and that’s exactly what culture is, the way we act, think, feel and even the way we judge is our own culture. Knowing this I decided that the group that I want to describe is my own family. Which consist of four people, two adults and two children. We have the head of our house hold which is my husband, he supports our entire family. He works many hours to be able to support us. Then is me, I attend college full time but am also a mother and I take care of everything at home. Then there s my older son he is 9 years old and his only job is to do good in school and help around the house. Then there s my daughter she is 6 and like her brother her main job is to also do good in school as well as some chores around the house. Values are what makes us, there basically the foundation of the family. Most of our values have been passed down from generations before us. We decide what we choose to pass down to our kids some of the values can be the same just in different order for example for some people religion is very important it can be in the top 5 of their values but for some is may not be as important and it can be on theirShow MoreRelatedMy Own Family Members And Their Spouses Essay2476 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction As we all know, every relationship is different from the next. They all start at different stages in life, for different reasons, and push forward at different speeds. For this essay, I chose to interview three of my own family members and their spouses to gather the information I needed to thoroughly write this essay. In the process of each interview, it was clear to me that our authors were right; people discover love, they don’t just find it (Lamanna Riedmann, 2012, p. 142). InRead MoreMy Family And Management Of My Own Local Business2202 Words  | 9 Pagesprofession I am currently interested in is entrepreneurship or management of my own local business. My family owns a few local businesses, ranging from alarm companies to retail stores, and it interests me because allows for plenty of interaction with others, and it is a profession with a large time commitment. In the past year, I have helped my sister, Jamie, with every small detail of opening her first store, and it sparked my interest on how every college degree can be applicable for a management orRead MoreThe Origin Of My Passion For Helping Children From My Own Family History857 Words  | 4 Pagessuccessful. The origin of my passion for helping children emanated from my own family history. I was born into a low-income family; the eldest daughter of two immigrant parents. My parents emigrated from the Dominican Republic, and barely spoke English. Being a young bride, my mother had her first child when she was just fourteen years old, and subsequently, bore four more children. My father worked menial jobs to make ends meet and support the family. Unfortunately, with little educationRead MoreMy Family s Foundation : Roll Your Own Paper 1st Draft907 Words  | 4 PagesBianca Hall Roll Your Own Paper 1st Draft History 10400-05 Professor Dan Buche Due: November 6, 2014 General Winfield Scott: Success, Free Soil, and an Indication of War My family’s foundation has always been rooted in knowing about our ancestry. From a very young age my mother always told me stories about my grandparents, great grandparents, and so on. 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In this paper, I will analysisRead MoreMy Own Childhood Care And Education Program For Each Of Epstein s Six Types Of Family Involvement Essay980 Words  | 4 Pageswould use in your own childhood care and education program for each of Epstein’s six types of family involvement. (10 points). One of the strategies I would use in my own childhood care/education program is to make each student feel safe and welcome. This strategy will help me a lot in demonstrating each children’s a parenting style. Another strategy would be communication, for instance, involving each children’s family to come and volunteer. I would like to include each family to come for parent’sRead MoreBowen Familys System Theory And Structural Family Theory Analysis1583 Words  | 7 Pagesdescribes how family, as a multigenerational network of relationships, shapes the interplay of individuality and togetherness, using five interlocking concepts differentiation of self, multigenerational emotional processes, emotional cutof f, and societal emotional processes (Nichols Davis, 2017). It is the nature of a family that its members are intensely connected emotionally. Often people feel separate or disengaged from their family, but this is more feeling than fact. Families so profoundlyRead MoreThe United States And Iowa868 Words  | 4 PagesEach one is different, but can have a few similarities. Each person’s history can explain where their family originated, the culture that they are originally from, the struggles that their family encountered, and so much more. But the most important thing that a person’s history can show, is how they ended up where they are today. My family’s history is unique in its own way. Both sides of my family originated in the larger populated city in Northern Germany, known as Hamburg. Anticipating the newRead MoreFamily Definition with Classification Essay1322 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿My Definition of Family with Classification The definition of â€Å"family†may differ from one person to the next. Even the various dictionaries have multiple definitions for the simple yet ever so complex word. The Oxford English Dictionary’s etymology of the word family comes from the Middle French famile, beginning in 1337 with family being defined as a group of people living under the same roof, household, in 1442-44 included a group of people related by blood, 1580 a group of people relatedRead MoreFamily System Theory And Early Childhood Practice899 Words  | 4 PagesEdward Teyber once said, family system theory offers therapists an invaluable way of understanding their clients strengths and problems- clarifying the familial rules, roles, myths, communication patterns, and boundary issues that defined their clients development. Also, as said in the article Understanding Families Applying Family System Theory to Early Childhood Practice that a family system theory has a primary concept in which is that the family includes interconnected members, and each
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Blood Brothers by Willy Russell Essay Example For Students
Blood Brothers by Willy Russell Essay I decided to work with Roxy and Duncan within my group. I had worked with Roxy on many occasions during drama lessons; I knew she was very good at drama and reliable. She was very hard working and always wanted to make sure her parts were well rehearsed and all of her lines were learnt. Duncan had a lot of confidence in his work and ability to act. I had worked with Duncan on many occasions before not just in drama classes but in school plays as well. The whole of our group which included Alex Porter, but I didnt directly work with her, felt it would be good to have Duncan in our group because most of the scenes needed a male part. I had never worked with Alex before but I knew that she was a strong and confident actress. The entire group was very dependable and hardworking. We were all comfortable with each other and so we found it easy to work well in our group and reach our full acting potential. We were all given a script of Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. We all read through the script first in class and we all enjoyed it. Some of the scenes were very funny but others were also very dramatic. We enjoyed reading the script and felt we could do well at acting it out. We then had to choose which scenes to do, and also which characters we were going to play. I played the part of Linda, whom Mickey, played by Duncan, grew up with and married. Roxy was Mrs. Johnstone, the natural mother of both boys. Alex played the adopted mother of Edward. Duncan played Edward and Mickey because this was more believable seeing as they were twin brothers. We decided that we would do six scenes, three scenes each. Roxy and Alex decided to do the first scenes in the book; this was good for the audience because they knew what the play was about and what was happening throughout the play. Duncan and Alex then decided to do a scene where Edward was a little older. This again gave the audience an idea of what was going on throughout the stages of the twins lives. Duncan and I acted the next scene. It showed Mickey as a teenager. We choose this scene because it was quite funny and still quite dramatic and depicted teenage life, which our whole drama group could relate to. We then choose a scene towards the end of the play once Mickey had come out of prison, but was still taking tablets. We felt that we should do a scene before hand so the audience understood what was going on. So I did a scene with Roxy, which explained what had happened since the last scene. My next scene, and our last, was with Duncan. This scene was very dramatic and different from the other scenes that we had acted out, so it was quite a challenge for us. I thought the script was very clever in how it followed the lives of the two brothers, but without them actually knowing that they were brothers until the end of the play. I thought that the contrast in their two lives was realistic to life today. I thought that my character, Linda, was very strong, and knew what she wanted and was quite determined. She had always wanted Mickey and had waited for him. I thought I would enjoy playing this character because I had to be fairly forceful! Mrs. Johnstone was also like this. She was very strong even though she had a lot to deal with and had quite a hard life. Mickey and Eddie were quite alike. You could tell that Eddie had been brought up differently and was more educated and went through school and university. You could also tell that Mickey had been brought up with a poorer background. This gave the two characters a good contrast of rich and poor, yet very alike. .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .postImageUrl , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:hover , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:visited , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:active { border:0!important; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:active , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Presentation of the Mother Figure in House of Bernarda Alba and House of the Spirits EssayWe had many different scenes to set up on stage. The first scenes were in Mrs. Lyons house, so we had to create space and make it seem very big. There wasnt a lot of movement in this scene, so we had to concentrate on our voices and limited movements. The next scene out of the house was outside with Mickey and Linda. This was good because we had lots of space and quite a lot of movement within the scene. The next scenes were again in a house, but this time it was Mickey and Lindas house. During these scenes there was a lot of movement so we were able to use the stage effectively. Linda came across as very common in her younger years, so this needed to come across in my accent. We decided that everyone apart from Mrs. Lyons and Eddie should have a Liverpudlian accent. This would help in order to have a contrast between the two women and sons. If Eddie and his mother have posh accents then you would be able to tell the difference between Mickey and his mother. The play was clearly set in Liverpool, so we thought we should at least try the accents. Luckily we all managed to get the accents that we needed just right. One of the only problems was that with the Liverpudlian accent we were rushing our lines, so had to learn to slow down but keep the same accent.
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